Submit complaint

Are you not satisfied with the service provided by an organisation, company or municipality? Then you can submit your complaint here online or by letter.


To submit your complaint online, please use the online form. Did you not receive a confirmation of receipt by email after submitting this form? Please contact us on 020-78 515 97.

To file a complaint

Have you made a complaint?

Then an employee of our platform will call you within a week. During this meeting we will discuss the content of your letter. Sometimes we can immediately resolve your letter. If that is not possible, the employee of the contact office will go through the further course of business with you.

You will then receive a written confirmation of receipt within a few days, with a description of your letter and the agreements made. If you wish, you can also explain your letter verbally. You will receive an invitation for this. Status holders The Netherlands strives to handle complaints/questions within 3 weeks.

You can also resolve a complaint with Status Holders Netherlands with the help of our mediation. Then you and the other party solve the problem. An independent mediator and mediator assists the parties in this.

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